
How RIA’s Use Structured Notes to Capture Yield & Mitigate Portfolio Risk


How RIA’s Use Structured Notes to Capture Yield & Mitigate Portfolio Risk


Nitrogen and Halo Investing have partnered to expand structured note access for investors. Under this partnership, advisors who use Nitrogen are now able to see the impact of structured notes on their GPA and Risk Number. The partnership also provides advisors access to the Halo platform through a single sign-on process, allowing them to more easily manage their structured note portfolios, research and compare structured notes, and create custom notes with competitive pricing.

Register for the webinar to learn more about the benefits that the partnership brings to you and how you can make the most of the Halo platform

You won’t want to miss this event!

Meet the speakers

Matt McGowan
Matt McGowan

Director of Channel Alliances at Riskalyze

Nag Odekar
Nag Odekar

Growth Officer at Halo Investing